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    M/508/0494 - Crowd Sourcing Platform For Lingerie Industry

    University: UK College of Business and Computing

    • Unit No: 2
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 7 / Words 1807
    • Paper Type: PPT
    • Course Code: M/508/0494
    • Downloads: 1023
    Question :

    The current dissertation includes various sections where the main task is to develop aim and objectives. This research includes different sections like literature review, methodology, data analysis and interpretation along with recommendation and conclusion.

    Answer :


    3.1 Overview

    This section of research methodology is a very effective for the whole research project as it helps in providing guidance to the researchers for completing the research work in an effective and efficient manner. It is because of this section through which the investigator is able to recognise the way in which the research will be implemented in an effective manner. From this, the investigator will be able to apply various kinds of required methods and techniques from which effective results can be gained. The main aim associated with this research project is to understand the Lingerie market in a proper manner and recognising the competition present there as well. So, the investigator will have to find more detail about the crowdsourcing industry so that they can successfully place their company in that market and gain large amount of market share as well. It is also noticed that there are various methodologies which are required to be adopted by the management time to time s that the activities can be conducted in proper manner (Agnihotri, 2015). The researcher is also required to recognise necessary methods which can be implemented in the research process and so that the functions are being conducted in a proper manner. After recognising the nature of the research process, the investigator can effectively choose right method for their research. The research methods which are suitable for this research project will be depicted below and along with this , there are various kinds of detail as well which is required for conducting this project in a proper manner will also be discussed in this section, through this, the investigator will get help in selecting the kind of design they want in their research or what is the sample size they want to consider while conducting their research process. From this chapter itself, the researcher will be able to develop a sense if understanding about all products and services which will be implemented in the research process. Therefore, under this, guidelines are being set for the researcher which they can make use of to conduct this process in a proper and effective manner. So, it can be very well determined that this section of the research project is highly important for them and thus it is required to be conducted on a compulsory manner. The methodologies which will be implemented in this research process are being explained in detail below.

    3.2 Type of investigation

    This is the first step which is required to be implemented in the research process because if this will not be determined then the investigator can not start the research process ion the company (Savin and Trzaskowski, 2014). Through this element , the investigator tries to analyse that what kind of research process is being implemented in the company and whether it is suitable for them or not. Basically, there are two type sin which the research can be conducted and both these forms are very effective but it prescribed by the experts that only one method can be selected so the investigator has to choose one type of investigation on the basis of the nature of the research work. These research method can be classified as qualitative and quantitative research. If described in detail then qualitative research is putting their focus on assimilating the data through qualitative sources and this method is \being chosen by the researcher when they have to do analysis of the project (Bouaiss, Maque and Meric, 2015).

    On the other hand, quantitative research is a type in which the focus is on improving the collecting the data through various types of tables, charts and survey conducted as well. Both these methods are effective in their own manner and they can provide help to the investigator in various manner. It is required to known to the researcher that in qualitative researcher, the main focus is required to be kept in tools and techniques that are implemented in the research process. The  proposed research is conducted so as to understand the positioning of lingerie industry in the crowdsourcing platform so the investigator will have to analyse minute details related this topic and for this they will have to consult with various people to make corrective decisions as well. Since, the topic of this dissertation is related to describing platform for lingerie industry so  it can be very well determined that it is having qualitative factor associated with it. Therefore, the investigator have selected to implement qualitative investigation for their research project but quantitative data will also be required to be used by them at this point of time. So, after much discussion, the investigator has selected combination of both qualitative and quantitative method of research which is also being called as mixed method approach.

    3.3 Research design

    It is very much essential for the researcher to select correct designs so that the questions which are formed by the investigator can be resolved in an effective manner. In this, the researcher makes a plan in which the whole processes and the activities of the research which will be conducted are printed. It can also be called as a blueprint of the whole research project. The ultimate purpose for selecting the research design is to diminish the issues that might arise in future while conducting the research activities and make sure that the investigator is going on the right track to conduct the research process. On the basis of this, the investigator will able top obtain knowledge about the whole topic in effective and efficient manner. There are various research designs like exploratory, experimental, descriptive, case study and so on (Rinallo and Golfetto, 2015).

    In the descriptive research design, the overall impact of the dissertation can be ascertained in a proper manner and along with this, the issues , challenges and problems that will come in the way of the investigator will also be ascertained. In some of the areas, exploratory research design is being implemented but it can be operated only in those areas where research has not been conducted earlier. Therefore, by applying this, a general introduction about the research design can be obtained, it can also be interpreted that in case study design, the investigator is required to focus is on a particular issue so that it can be solved in an effective manner. In this research, the investigator is following descriptive research design because through this they will be able to understand the whole research topic in an effective manner (Wojewoda, 2017).

    3.4 Research approach

    It is also one of the most important element which is required to be conducted in the given research project because through this, the investigator will be able to perform all of their operations in effective and efficient manner. Through this, they will also get help in ascertaining the result of the research project in a proper manner and without being deviating from the task they they are performing. There are two approaches which are having their ficus on the research questions and can be implemented in the project as well. Some of these are like Inductive and deductive. In the inductive research approach, the investigator is discovering the responses given by the researcher in the primary survey. Once its done, then new theories and patterns are identified and implemented as well so that relevant outcomes can be obtained through this.

    Apart from this, in deductive approach, the behaviour of the respondents are being judged on the basis of the applied theories. But here, the concept is being changed from general theories to specific one. In this type, the appropriate result can be ascertained through examining various kinds of facts and figures.  Here, in the current dissertation deductive research design will be followed by researcher. They believe that it will be more appropriate and through this, they will be able to gather more amount of specific data which will help them in attaining the goals and objectives of the organisation. So, in this manner they will be able to ascertain that the planning which is required to be done to launch the lingerie industry in the crowdsourcing platform (Buccafusco, Heald and Bu, 2016).  The approach which will be selected in this dissertation is Mixed methods and inferential statistics. This is a kind of method in which company makes use of both qualitative and quantitative approach of the research process.

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    3.5 Research philosophy

    Under this section of dissertation, there are various kinds of assumptions that are being made while collecting , evaluating and analysing the data in the research project. In this, the methods which can be implemented by the researcher can be analysed in a proper manner. Therefore, for carrying out the research in a proper manner, it is very important for the investigator to identify various kinds of patterns through which current information can be analysed in a proper manner.  There are two types of philosophical techniques like interpretivism and positivism. Under interpretivism philosophy, qualitative approach is required to be utilised by the investigator to analyse the data collected by the respondents. The topic for the dissertation is crowdsourcing platform for lingerie industry and since this is a sensitive topic to be discussed so public views about it can be taken on the basis of questionnaire survey so that everyone can present their views in front of the investigator in the proper manner (Phillips, Dexter,  Baurley and Atkinson, 2016). There are several other tools and techniques as well which can be implemented by the investigator to analyse the information gained by them and they can make use of it as well since their main aim is to reach the appropriate result.

    On the another side, positivism is a kind of philosophy which is having their connection with the quantitative research. There are various kinds of statistical and mathematical tools which can be used by the investigator for testing their hypothesis. But, this is more effective for that kind of research project where scientific research is conducted using tools and techniques. In this dissertation, the investigator is making use of interpretivism philosophy so that they can understand the perceptions of the customers about this kind of development in effective and appropriate manner.

    3.6 Data collection technique

    It is also a very important section of the dissertation because in this the investigator is more convergent about the quality of data which will be implemented while conducting the research process in a proper manner. Under this, the investigator can make use of both the methods namely primary data and secondary data. It is very important for the investigator to

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